Players past and present, staff and families have gathered to celebrate the start of the season at a special barbeque at Essendon headquarters.
More than 200 people, ranging from newborns to grandparents, were there to join in the fun.
There were former players in attendance from every decade since the 1950s.
Premiership players including Scott Lucas and Justin Blumfield along with stars from the past including Damien Peverill, Mark Bolton and Mark Fraser caught up with old teammates and mixed with the players of today.
Zach Merrett and Brent Stanton, renowned ball winners on the footy field, showed they’re equally adept when it comes to finding Easter eggs.
The pair joined teammates and more than 80 kids in attendance in a massive Easter egg hunt inside the hangar.
The Club works closely with its Past Players' Association to hold regular events throughout the season.