Essendon’s Multicultural Program is expanding in 2009 with the introduction of a new program working with Victoria’s international student community.

The GLoBALL Program - developed in conjunction with Austrade, RMIT, City of Melbourne and the Australian Federation of International Students - aims to assist the international student community develop relationships with more established communities and organisations through Australian football.

According to ABS arrivals data, more than 150,000 international students from 187 different countries come to study in Victoria each year.

The GLoBall Program, to be delivered over the next four months, attempts to break down misconceptions and strengthen cross-cultural ties between international students and the wider community.

A unique element of the program is the establishment of a buddy program, which will see Essendon members participating in elements of the program in a mentoring capacity with the international students. The aim is to broaden the support and friendship network of students.

Alison Bolger, International Students Advisor at RMIT, believes the program provides a fantastic opportunity for international students to learn about Australian football and develop new relationships outside of the student community.

“This is a really valuable program for our students in terms of connecting with the community and interacting with other students while immersing themselves in the Australian culture,” said Bolger.

Darren Li, Victorian President of Australian Federation of International Students, said the program would also help to break down barriers with the broader community.

""Through this program, international students will have greater interaction with the wider community which will add to the positive experiences of students”.

“After all, limited social interaction and cultural misunderstandings are at the heart of many issues faced by international students and their connection with the wider community"", said Li.

The EFC Multicultural Program is delivered in partnership with the AFL and Victorian Government.