Blake Caracella has always been known for his cleverness around goals and yesterday against Fremantle he again showed he is one of the best in the business when it comes to threading the ball through the middle. Two of Caracella's three goals showed just how creative he is when the need arises.

On both occasions Caracella was running towards goal but hemmed in on the boundary line. With Fremantle players set to smother any shot on goal, Caracella decided to go underground. He kicked the ball underneath the despairing hands of his Fremantle opponents and rolled it end-on-end straight through the middle.

Caracella was his usual modest self when asked about the goals today. ""It isn't something that I practice or anything like that. You might do it a couple of times just messing around at the end of training but that is about all,"" Caracella said. ""I don't know what I was thinking at the time - it just seemed like the best option. The first one one went through so I thought I might as well have another crack later in the game.""

Forward line coach Mark Harvey didn't have a problem with Caracella trying something a little creative. ""I haven't seen the video yet so I don't know if there was someone for him to give it to but you never want to take a player's creativeness away from him as long as the time and place is right,"" Harvey said. ""After it worked the first time I didn't mind him trying it again. We occasionally practice those things at training but obviously we don't do a lot of work on it.""