At this stage Essendon should have a fully fit list come the start of pre-season training in mid November. Injury ended season 2003 for several Essendon players - Joel Reynolds suffered from osteitis pubis, Jordan Bannister broke his collarbone and groin injuries put an end to draftees Jobe Watson and Jason Winderlich's year. Fitness coach John Quinn said all four players have undergone rehabilitation programs and he expects them all to be and fit and ready for pre-season training.

""They are at the last stage of their rehabilitation program, which involves running, swimming, weights and physiotherapy. The program has been gradual and we haven't wanted to rush their progress. I expect all of them - Watson, Winderlich, Bannister and Reynolds - to all come back for pre-season training ready to go. We have got them on rehabilitation programs now, so I expect them to come back and hit the ground running,"" Quinn said.

Reynolds had groin surgery late in the season, which in the short term ended his season, but as Quinn pointed out, in the long run should be of enormous benefit to Reynolds and the club. ""The proof will be in the pudding next year when Joel starts playing. But I think when everyone sees the progress he has made, they will realise it was the right decision for him to have surgery.""

The Essendon squad has undergone medical assessments this week and is now on a two-month break. Quinn expects the players to return in good physical condition for the pre-season, but doesn't prescribe programs for each player. ""I don't really give them much to do, because I think they need to have a proper break and get away. If they specifically request something I will give them stuff to do. They have enough of me through the year, without me giving them a six week program for their holidays. I tend to let them do their own thing, but encourage them to come back in the right condition.""