It is hard to believe that Adam McPhee isn't even 21 yet. In his first year at Essendon he has played every game and shown an on-field maturity and poise beyond his young years. He has been a welcome inclusion into the side and will be a permanent fixture in the team for years to come. ""It has been a great relief coming off the year I had at Fremantle last season. To come to a great club with great players and play the amount of games I did and also have some success in the finals. If I had have looked back on that at the start of the year and said I would achieve those goals, I probably would have laughed and said no way. It has been great,"" McPhee said.

McPhee played in his first ever finals match against his former side Fremantle. He said that victory was one of the highlights of the season. However, the final against Port, which ended the team's season was a huge disappointment and McPhee felt the team had the talent and self-belief to go further in the finals. ""Looking at everyone's face after the game - there was a lot of disappointment. We actually thought we could win and go a bit further. From my point of view, I was very disappointed as well. Generally the message from Sheeds in the end was they were a lot more experienced than us in the end and they stitched us up at stoppages. He also said we have got a great young team coming through and next year is looking very good,"" McPhee said.

Despite the final margin against Port being 39-points, McPhee believed the team still had a big chance to win the match even in the final quarter. ""We only went into the break, two to three goals down. If we had of kicked those two goals, then we probably would have went in only one goal down and changed the game a little bit, but it didn't happen that way,"" McPhee said. ""At half-time I thought we were definitely capable of winning. Throughout the year we started to get a little bit of belief in ourselves as a group and I didn't think we were out of the game until half way through the last quarter.""

""We played some good games through the year against Brisbane, Collingwood and West Coast and I don't think we were too far off our best there. I think a couple of things cost us against Port - we weren't first into the contest and they were more desperate than us. They came out and really wanted to win the game. The way they attacked the ball in numbers and really gave us a hard came. they probably did beat us in the mid-field in the end,"" the former Dandenong Stingrays player said.