The Bombers have returned from their Christmas break today ready to embark on the remainder of the pre-season in terrific shape. In testing conducted this morning, the players registered some of the best results John Quinn has seen in his time at the club.

""We are rapt with the whole of our testing results, but in particular Mark Bolton has run very well in the 3.2km and he is up there with the best we have had in nine years,"" Quinn explained this afternoon.

""We have done speed testing today and Courtenay Dempsey has run the fastest we have ever had over 20 metres and Jay Neagle is the quickest player we have ever had over 5 metres.

""Over 20 players broken the magical three seconds mark for 20 metres so we are rapt to have that sort of speed at the club,"" he said

And another speed machine around the club Andrew Lovett is a producing some of his best results in the testing, proving he is well and truly over his hip injury.

""Lovett has run an all time personal best today for his twenty metres, a personal best for his counter movement jump; his skin folds are approaching the best they have been so he is looking promising right across the board.""

The results all points to the hard work the players have continued do over their break, proving they are ready to fightback in 2007. 

""Some players who have come back from the Christmas break in significantly better shape than they left which has shown they have worked really hard and they mean business,"" Quinn said.

Training now changes slightly for the players in the lead up to Round 1, with the emphasis shifting towards skills, while there will be a greater focus on individual needs.