Hope Laycock will be ready for round one
Essendon says there is a chance Jason Laycock will be ready to play in round one
Geelong's Matthew Egan, Bulldog Tom Williams and former Essendon great James Hird are just a few examples of players who have been – and still are, in Egan's case – hampered on a long term scale by injuries to the region.
Now, Bomber ruckman Jason Laycock can relate, having spent much of the summer attempting to overcome foot soreness in time for the home-and-away season.
"It's been really frustrating for him and I think the rest of the players take it for granted that they can train most of the time and get the best out of themselves," Essendon assistant coach Gary O'Donnell said.
"He's just been inundated with problems and not just with his navicular bone and foot but all sorts of joint injuries.
"He's been very injury-prone and hopefully this is the last of it and he can have a running jump into his footy career."
Laycock had a screw removed from his foot last week after being told his stress fracture has healed and is set to commence running when the site of the incision has healed.
The Bombers are hoping the 24-year-old big man will be an exception to the recurring navicular curse and be able to return in time for round one of the home-and-away season.
"He's just had another operation so he's been keeping some doctors and surgeons very comfortable with their houses in Maui," O'Donnell said.
"He had a screw removed, and that's what was troubling his ankle so the medical staff think they've got to the root of the problem and hopefully it's onwards and upwards for him from now on."
The Bombers are also hopeful of getting young defender Michael Hurley playing before the season proper, with the 18-year-old a chance to play as early as next weekend.
"He's probably two weeks away. He's joined in full training now without his gall bladder," O'Donnell said.
"We've had some interesting injuries this year.
"He's a likely type and I'm sure he'll play league footy for us at some point this year."
O'Donnell said fellow defender Tayte Pears could join Hurley in playing the weekend after next, having made good progress with his hip.
Jason Winderlich and Scott Lucas will play this Friday night while Alwyn Davey and David Myers remain outside chances.
The long-range forecast for the Bombers sees just two players - Brent Prismall (knee) and Andrew Welsh (ankle) – unavailable for round one, with Laycock an uncertainty.
Jason Laycock is rated a $222,400 ruckman in Toyota AFL Dream Team 2009.