Essendon Star Brendon Goddard has thanked the clubs fans for their ongoing support over the last two years.

In a passionate address to more than 1500 at Crown Palladum this week Goddard pointed out supporters and sponsors for their ongoing commitment to he club.

“Sincerely from all the players we would really like to thank our supporters for their ongoing support,” Goddard said.

“It has been arguably the toughest time any football club has been through and so we would like to thank you people and everyone that has stuck by us over the last 24 months.”

He said to have record membership in the current climate showcased the passion shown by the club’s supporter base.

“60,000 members at this time shows what a powerful club Essendon really is,” he said.

“One thing that struck me coming into the football club was the unwavering support we have from supporters, sponsors and everyone involved within the football club.”

“It is really outstanding so thank you very much the players appreciate it.”

In a passionate address to his teammates Goddard urged them to have faith in the direction the club was heading.

“I truly believe that this playing group is capable of achieving great things and I wouldn’t be here if that wasn’t the case,” he said.

“In ten years time they will write a book about the Essendon Football Club and the controversy but also the success that they went through.”

“I truly believe in the footy club and the boys that we have involved with the club.”

Having experienced the heartbreak of a Grand Final loss during his time at St. Kilda the midfielder said he wanted his new teammates to be able to experience the last Saturday in September.

“Watching the Grand Final I watched it and it cut deep,” he said.

“I want to experience that feeling and I want all of my teammates to experience that feelining of what it feels like at the end of September.”

He also urged outgoing senior coach Mark Thompson to remain at the club in 2015.

“It has been one year but it has been a hell of a ride,” Goddard said to Thompson.

“I hope that you stick by us regardless of the situation mate because you are really valued.”

“For us to achieve greatness we need you on board, I think we have gone through enough together that I hope you don’t jump ship.”