Tom BellchambersFootScans revealed that Bellchambers has suffered a stress fracture in the third metatarsal in his foot. He will be unable to train for eight weeks.
Travis ColyerFootColyer will likely miss the rest of the season after scans revealed a stress fracture in his foot as well as a 'hot navicular'.  Colyer has since undergone successful surgery.
Jake CarlisleAnkleJake injured his ankle in the dying stages of the match against Hawthorn. The forward is likely to miss 4-6 weeks. 
David MyersKneeMyers aggravated an existing knee injury during his return for Essendon VFL. He should, however, return for Essendon VFL after this week's bye. 
Dustin FletcherGroinFletcher suffered a slight groin strain against Richmond in round 9. He has some trouble with it and his return will be assessed on a week-to-week basis.

Jobe Watson

ShoulderJobe injured his shoulder in the round 13 clash against the Hawks. Although he played last week the captain has done further damage and is likely to miss the remainder of the season.

Jason Winderlich

ShinWinderlich will miss two weeks with an injured shin.

Jake Melksham

HamstringMelksham pulled up sore from the game against St.Kilda and will likely miss again against North Melbourne.

Nick Kommer

ThighNick experienced some discomfort during his last VFL game. Given his unfortunate run with injury in the past, he will be carefully managed by the club.

Orazio Fantasia

ThighFantasia has had soreness in his thigh for the last few weeks. His return is judged on a week to week basis.