Essendon fans say Jason Johnson is still a star on the rise with his rating jumping in 2004 despite him missing five games through injury. Fans continue to be impressed by his ability to win the hard ball and his never-say-die attitude. Some even suggested he might be the next captain of the Bombers.


Games – 19
Goals - 14
Kicks - 277
Marks - 91
Handballs - 173

2004 Fan’s ranking: 7.74 /10


Games - 22
Goals - 15
Kicks - 315
Marks - 91
Handballs -159

2003 Fan's Rating: 7.60 /10

What some of the Essendon fans had to say:

""Great year again but will be worn out long before time unless he gets more assistance. Cannot be expected to continue his high work rate and body on body type of football. Get him some help!"" Graeme Durran.

""Great season again. A real 'grunt' in and under player who never shirks attacking the ball or opponent. Deserved his 2nd in the B & F and I am sure he will continue in 2005. Probably needs to kick 20+ goals next year to just rise a little further,"" Graeme Knight.

""Very good year again thought he was outstanding in most of the games he played and was missed in the first couple of Games this year,"" Tim Bamsey.

""Yet another fantastic season by Jason Johnson. The media often malign the Essendon midfield, but with Hird, Solomon, McPhee and Jason Johnson, this unit is superb. JJ is a superstar and lets hope 2005 is another great season for him and Essendon!"" Gordan Gasparovic

""One of the best members of the team. Never stops trying against all odds. Some injuries this year hampered a top performance. Will continue to be a star,"" Robert Murray.

""Kept pushing that ball out of the midfield time and time again. Quality player, who knows, could even be captain in a couple of years!"" Kaitlin Ferris.

""JJ what a class act. Always leading by example. No surprise to see him finish second in the b/f. He is always exciting to watch. When he doesn't play it really shows as Essendon loose there grunt which JJ always provides. Can't what to see him perform in 2005,"" Bill Papageorgiou

""Fantastic player who rarely puts in a bad performance. Love Jason's aggression and hard at it style of play. Simply never gives up. He also manages to get a lot of the ball. Pleasure to watch,"" Robert Lorenzetto.