Damian Cupido’s fan’s rating took a nose dive in 2004. Essendon supporters recognised that injuries didn't help Cupido’s cause but they still didn’t cut him much slack. Fans said he has the ability to be a 50-goal forward and a match-winner but that he must ensure he is fit enough to play that role in 2005.


Games – 6
Goals - 5
Kicks - 26
Marks - 10
Handballs - 9

2004 Fan’s ranking: 3.70 /10


Games - 23
Goals - 39
Kicks - 191
Marks - 69
Handballs - 51

2003 Fan's Rating: 6.47 /10

What some of the Essendon fans had to say:

""Damian I think is good enough to be in Essendon's best side, but this year he struggled to have big impacts on games and didn't seem to be able to find the extra spark he could in 2003 and kick multiple goals,"" Christopher Bates.

""A very poor season, mainly because of a long ,sustained injury. Bombers missed his 40 goals in 2004 compared to season 2003. Needs a big pre-season free of injury to regain his form and rightful position in the side,"" Robert Murray.

""Cupido's got the sort of skills that can set a game on fire. Here's hoping he can dig deep enough to consolidate his much-needed place in the team. Best of luck to him - he could be one of our most exciting players,"" Natasha Young.

""Damien's skills are excellent, too bad he does not have the courage to put his body on the line for the ball. He could take lessons from the other Damien and find out how it is done,"" Daley Smith.

""Difficult to assess on this years performance. Although, Damian needs to focus on the things he can control rather than get caught up in letting the world know how good he is. If he doesn't we'll probably see him lost from football,"" Robert Lorenzetto.

""One of my favourites, I was dissappointed that Damian had injury problems this year. Last he was our second target in the forward line and was fantastic. Hopefully the body improves because this guy is a potential match winner,"" Ross Laws.

""Talented but inconsistent. Has the capacity to contribute however appears to play to his own agenda, In 2003 signs were excellent for future prospects but limited opportunity in 2004 due to injury did not provide Damian with the chance to raise the bar. 2005 will be the real test for Damian. Not over confident his weekly approach to the game will see rapid improvement,"" Ian Robertson.

""Disappointing season, injuries took its toll, is very important player. We need some pressure to be taken off Lloyd. Must remian fit and have a full pre-season. Has the potential to be a 50 goal a season player,"" Frederick Borg.