Dyson Heppell embodies what it means to be an ‘Essendon person’.

A beacon of optimism and resilience through a decorated 14-year career holding more rollercoaster turns than most, Heppell’s retirement announcement on Tuesday morning was an emotional experience for the wider club.

The 32-year-old’s decision to hang up the boots feels like the end of an era for a generation of Bomber fans, who’ll likely always associate the No.21 guernsey to a flowing set of dreadlocks bounding up and down the MCG wing.

A boyhood Bomber from Leongatha who always dreamed of that opportunity to represent his club, the former skipper again expressed his gratitude this week, particularly for the relationships he’s created over his 252 games to date.

“You look back on the career and some of those moments are what sink in the most,” Heppell said.


“Going back to (being) a kid tearing around in a little Bombers jumper and just dreaming of one day maybe running out on the ‘G or wherever it may be, to fulfill that as an 18-year-old and forge the career I’ve had, I’ve just been incredibly grateful for every opportunity that’s come my way.”

“I’ve spoken about the different characters you come across throughout your journey and that’s part of the beauty of it. You leave the game with really close friends and it’s something that I’ll reflect on properly in time.”

Heppell admitted some nerves in the buildup to informing not only his teammates of the decision, but the staff and family members in the room he’s impacted along the way.

Through all the publicised ups and downs, it’s those lasting bonds and memories within the inner circle that remind Heppell of what defines a football club, and what’s made his own career in the sash so memorable.

“It was a tough one to speak in front of the group to so many people that mean so much to me,” Heppell said.

“I’d let a few other people know prior and it hadn’t really hit home until I stood up in front of the group and (it) shook me a bit. Just a beautiful moment, it was really nice to have my parents and (my fiance) Kate, my manager (Marty Pask) in the room as well.


“The relationships you form through adversity have been incredible, some beautiful words were said from Brad Scott and others as well.

“In my mind, I don’t feel like the club owes me anything. It’s given me an incredible amount and I’ve been so blessed and fortunate to have the career I’ve had and to be at this club for the entirety of my career.”

Of all the friendships Heppell’s forged in his career, the off-field connection he’s built with Harrison Pennicott is one of the most prominent, supporting the youngster in his battle with scleroderma over the last six years.

Heppell’s affinity for ‘H’ and the subsequent memories the pair have made through the club’s Challenge game will last with the former skipper for a lifetime.

“It’s hard to put into words how much that type of relationship means to me,” Heppell said.


“The Challenge games are some of the fondest memories I have throughout my career. Just seeing the pure joy and excitement those kids and their families get from spending time with us throughout the week and then running out with them on game day and sharing those experiences is unbelievable.

“The relationship that I’ve formed with ‘H’ is just once in a blue moon and has done incredible amounts for me throughout the ups and downs of my career. He’s rode every bump with me.

“Letting him know the other day, he burst into tears and didn’t know why he was crying. He’s obviously going to miss me running around and watching me, but I told him we’ll be able to watch the Bombers together, I’ll be able to go watch his soccer games and hang out a bit more.”

An admired figure among the Bomber army, Heppell reserved his final shoutout to the Essendon faithful.

“My career wouldn’t have been what it is without our incredible fans and members,” Heppell said.

“They have just been unbelievable in helping me drive the best out of my career, I try and give my best for them, we’re there to entertain and make those people proud.

“I’ve been so fortunate to even form some relationships with our fans and members over the years, you see their faces week-to-week in the stands and they’re showing up no matter what.”