Dear Members,


I am writing to you today to again stress the need for all of us to rally around our fundraising project, The Flight Plan. 


The events of this week have emphasized just how critical this project is for our Football Club and further highlighted the importance of ensuring the ovals at Melbourne Airport are built in time for next pre-season.


Despite a significant focus on securing training grounds right across the pre-season aI write to you today, due to circumstances beyond our control, we have nowhere to train this coming Friday.  This problem will more than likely be rectified in the coming hours, however for a professional AFL Club in 2011 not to have access to a training ground without a cricket pitch in the middle of it is somewhat distressing. 


As a result, the club has invested in a weeklong camp on the Gold Coast next month to allow the players an opportunity to have some much needed continuity in their training.


Our Board has made a significant decision in the Club’s history to rectify the situation and build a new state of the art training facility at a site near Melbourne Airport, however our funding challenge remains a massive one.


The Flight Plan tally reached $400,000 yesterday but as you can see we are still a long way off our target of $5 million from our members.    


I encourage and ask all members to donate what you can to help get our boys training on the very best facilities this competition can offer in time for the 2013 pre-season.


Kind regards

David Evans

Click here to find out more about the Flight Plan and how to donate.