On face value some Essendon supporters might be disappointed with the outcome of the just completed trade week. A midfielder was the Bombers’ priority and none was forthcoming at the trade table. The Essendon match committee sniffed around a few, opposition sides threw up a few, but in the end the asking price was too high. Why rob Peter to pay Paul?

Essendon kept its head in one of the most difficult weeks on the football calendar and supporters should commend and not condemn. Essendon’s list is in good shape and the club is home to some of the best young talent in the competition. The likes of Jobe Watson, Brent Stanton, Jason Laycock, Ricky Dyson and Kepler Bradley can play and there are others also ready to take the next step.

Having said all this, the Essendon list is far from finalised for its tilt at 2005. The de-listings are still to be finalised and there is still the National Draft and pre-season draft to come. It is the pre-season draft that will be of real interest to the Bombers – they haven’t participated in it since 1997. And they will go into that draft with some money freed up through recent retirements.

And there could be some names of genuine interest become available between now and draft day on December 14th. A number of quality players are yet to sign with their respective clubs. If they can’t reach agreement the prospect of them joining Essendon and playing with the likes of Hird and Lloyd may appeal.

So while trade week is over, the Bombers will continue to work hard behind the scenes. Anything could fall out over the next over the next few weeks. Last year it was Jade Rawlings and Nick Stevens. So Bombers fans should sit tight and see what unfolds. Trade Week is over but it is only one piece of the jigsaw.