The past 18 months hasn’t been kind to Dean Rioli in terms of injury – a hamstring injury against Port Adelaide in round two of this season the latest in a long line of injuries. Dean over-stretched halfway through the third quarter of the Port Adelaide match, strained the hamstring and hobbled from the ground. His early misfortune this season follows on from 2000 where two broken collarbones cost him more than half a season and ultimately a place in the Essendon Grand Final side.

But when you talk to Dean about the past 18 months and in particular his latest injury you will find him surprisingly upbeat. “Of course it is frustrating but there is no point in me moping around the place. I just have to stay positive, get myself fit and try and work my way back into the side,” Dean said. “What is the point of feeling sorry for yourself. What happens to Dean Rioli isn’t the be all and end all of Essendon Football Club – I am part of a team and the best thing I can do for that team is get fit and contribute where I can while I am doing that.”

Outside the football club, Dean has plenty of things to keep his mind of football. Dean and his partner Thelma have a baby girl Kiewa and despite the occasional sleepless night Dean says it is the best thing that has happened to him. “It just puts everything in perspective when you go home and see her smiling face. Sure I would rather not be injured but in the scheme of things it is pretty insignificant,” Dean said.

So Dean will continue his rehabilitation this week. It will involve running laps, swimming, stretching and icing up on a regular basis. “It is important that it is done properly – that is something the fitness staff make sure of. If you take short cuts you just end up sidelined again and that lets everybody down,” Dean said.