The latest Bomberland Poll again attracted plenty of attention with the overwhelming majority of people disagreeing with David Parkin and saying modern-day football is anything but boring. Almost 2000 votes were collated in the latest poll with 1692 (85%)saying the game wasn't boring while 301 (15%) thought Parkin made a valid point. Many said the skill and athleticism of players ensured AFL football would never be boring. However some people did believe flooding and running down the clock were elements the game could do without.

Here are some of the comments the latest poll attracted disagreeing with Parkin.

Helen McCallum from Frankston says: How can footy be boring when each week we are exposed to such skillful players and play. Who wants to see the brawls? People want to be entertained and what better way than to watch our fantastic team each week giving us excellent value for money!

Des from WA says: How could you be bored watching a highly skilled bunch of athletes all participating in a full-on body contact sport?.

Mark Kane from Epping says: The game is presently very exciting, but from Parkin's view chasing Bomber tails over the past few years probally has become boring.

Gino Liparota from Glenroy/Victoria says: Kevin Sheedy has worked very hard to ensure the Essendon team is as exiting to watch, and is successfull. Those who think that the game is boring are probably just tired of seeing their team do the same things year in, year out. Perhaps if they attended some games in which Essendon was playing, they would always see that Aussie rules is well and truly the greatest game. This poll indicates that.

We also had some voters who agreed with Parkin.

Rob from Mount Waverley says: Cut out flooding of the back line and running the clock down.

Paul Manson from vic says: I think footy is becoming boring because it is almost noncontact. Footy supporters want to see players bump each other around - nothing gets the crowd more involved then a bit of pushing and shoving.

And then we had these from avid Essendon supporters.

Craig Wright from Lynwood, WA says: It probably is boring for the rest of the AFL. Maybe they're bored of the one-horse race. Long may we reign, long live king Sheedy!!!

Danny Bishop from Carlton Nth says: I suppose some find it boring when your team loses the big-ones regularly!