""This decision has been the first thing I have thought about each morning and the last thing I have thought about each night,"" Hird said. ""It has weighed heavily on me and it has been among the hardest decisions I have ever had to make.""
""While I still have some football in me I wanted to stay and play. The Brisbane game proved to me I could still play. The coach was adamant I should play as was the Club and the players. I wanted to go on and so did my family so when I weighed it all up the decision was pretty simple.""
""The amazing thing for me this year, given the season we have had, has been the way this group has stuck together and the fact they want to improve and go somewhere – it has been one of the driving forces for me in wanting to stay.
""It would have been easy for this group to fall apart but I think we are in a better position than we were three or four years ago. The list is looking better and there is a real honesty and closeness among this group.""
Essendon captain Matthew Lloyd sat along side Hird when the announcement was made, saying he had encouraged Hird to play on late last week for what was a very important year for the Club.
""I spoke to him about the influence he has around the football club. He is as competitive as ever on the training track and when he comes to play so I said if you are still as passionate about playing and training as you are then I want you to come and play again,"" Lloyd said.
""When he is in the team he gives players a sense of belief and confidence – more so than anyone else I have ever played with. We don’t expect James to come out and kick five and get 30 possessions every week. For me it is what he can do to get this club back to being respected and very competitive.
Essendon chief executive Peter Jackson said he fully supported the decision of Hird and the match committee.
""It was something that was carefully considered but we are comfortable that with the right management he will be an important player for us in 2007,"" Jackson said. ""The whole Club - and I am sure all supporters – are pleased he wants to continue. His leadership and experience will be invaluable as we continue to develop the team.""
""It is also timely given this weekend marks the high point of a range of activities we have undertaken this season as part of the James Hird Celebration. Regardless of whether he played on or not we thought it was important to celebrate the career of this Club’s greatest living player and we all look forward to this weekend