Dear Members,

It gives me great pleasure to announce Paul Cousins and Catherine Lio as the successful candidates of the 2014 Essendon Football Club Board election.

Paul and Catherine will bring a fresh set of skills and experience to the Board. I’m confident they will be able to make a valuable contribution to building a stronger and more successful Essendon Football Club.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of the candidates who nominated for positions on the Board. In particular, I would like to acknowledge outgoing Directors Kevin Egan and Jo-Anne Albert for their valuable contribution and years of dedicated service to the club.

Upon closure of the voting period on Monday December 8, the returning officer of the Essendon Football Club, Bruce Walmsley QC tallied the 3684 electronic and postal votes with the final results as follows:

Total Votes Received: 3684

Total Online Votes: 3569

Total Postal: 115

Informal Postal Votes: 1

Election of Directors

Paul Cousins: 1582

Catherine Lio: 1398

Ron Gauci: 1380

Jo-Anne Albert: 1032

Jason Cunningham: 1013

Bill Jennings: 417

Anthony Donald: 308

Nick Raptopoulos: 120

John Sofarnos: 118

I would like to thank all of our members who voted in this important democratic process. Click here to meet new Director Elect Catherine Lio.

I look forward to formally welcoming Paul and Catherine as Directors elect at the Annual General Meeting on Monday night.

Finally, I encourage you to attend Monday’s Annual General Meeting at The Clocktower Centre, Moonee Ponds.

Go Bombers!

Paul Little