Special guests at the graduation included new Essendon recruit Bachar Houli and the AFL's Multicultural Coordinator Nick Hatzoglou, who presented the children with participation certificates and an Essendon Football Club showbag.
Speaking at the graduation, Essendon's recently appointed Multicultural Development Officer, Ali Fahour, spoke about the program the Club would be rolling out in 2007.
""In 2007 the Essendon multicultural program will reach over 2000 students in 20 schools throughout the municipalities of Moonee Valley, Hume and Moreland. The program is designed to be highly interactive and will include visits to AFL World, Windy Hill and an Essendon match"", said Fahour.
The AFL multicultural program is a joint initiative of the AFL, Football Victoria, Essendon Football Club and the Department for Victorian Communities.