At the 2018 Dreamtime at the ‘G, the Wayapa Wuurrk Youth Group will honour the Essendon Football Club with a performance in the pre-game entertainment.

This year’s Dreamtime Dance acknowledges the connection Aboriginal people have with all things that fly, with three birds dancing to honour the dive bombing Gannet-Weertook, the Eagle-Bunjil and the Plover-Mantarrat.

The dance honours the Essendon Bombers, the mighty jet, flying, challenging and attacking with respect and competitiveness.

The song is sung in the language of the Peek Whuurrong speaking nation of the Western District of Victoria, home and birth place of Marngrook, known today as Australian.

Essendon and Richmond supporters are encouraged to be in their seats by 6:30pm to enjoy the powerful pre-game show.