Alwyn Davey is expected to miss the next two to four weeks of football after MRI scans today revealed damage to his AC joint.

Football operations manager Paul Hamilton said while the scan results confirmed a grade three injury to Davey’s shoulder, the club is seeking further advice from a shoulder specialist.

“The results confirmed that Alwyn has a grade three injury to his shoulder which is fairly severe,” Hamilton said.

“He will see a shoulder surgeon specialist today so we will get a more detailed report once he has seen the surgeon.

“There is very little he can do other than rest over the first couple of days. He is very sore and can’t lift his arm up at this stage so we will give him a period of rest.

“Once it is rested up and the swelling has gone down, we will start working on some basic movement patterns and build it up from there.”
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The injury comes as a significant blow to the Bombers outfit who are preparing for a make or break game against Hawthorn this Saturday afternoon.
“We are disappointed that Alwyn is not going to be available because he is a very valuable player for us,” Hamilton said.
“He is a speedy small forward that gives you a little bit of bite around the packs and puts some terrific defensive pressure.
“He has had a year that has been interrupted in many ways because he is coming back from a knee reconstruction so it is really disappointing for Alwyn who would have liked to play out the rest of the season and put his best foot forward.”